Personal sampling system

Personal sampling systems for hazardous materials PGP


The personal sampling systems for hazardous materials PGP have been developed by the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA). The PGP are used for sampling of hazardous materials like gas, dust or steam in the air at the working space. The GSA Messgerätebau GmbH produces the sampling systems under the licencse of IFA and sells these as well. 
Using these you may measure the following:
- Inhalable dust fraction (total dust) - GSP
- Respirable dust fraction (fine dust) - FSP
- Inhalable dust fraction in in combination with gases and steam - GGP
- Inhalable and respirable dust fraction as simultaneous measurement - PGP-EA
- Fibre - FAP

Here you may find further information of the IFA on the usage.




Sampling system EA for simultaneous inhalable and respirable...


Fibre sampling system FAP In combination with a...


Fine dust sampling system FSP10 for respirable dust sampling...


Fine dust sampling system FSP2 for respirable dust sampling...


Total dust-/ Gas-sampling system GGP In...


Total dust /gas sampling system GGP-U In combination...


Total dust sampling system GSP for inhalable dust sampling...